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Porsche Chooses 'Thrilling Contradictions' Contest Winner

Porsche Chooses 'Thrilling Contradictions' Contest Winner

If you've ever seen the new Porsche Panamera sedan,
you know that its tagline of "Thrilling contradictions." is quite
accurate. The sedan isn't exactly what you'd imagine a typical sport coupe to
look like, yet it manages to embody all of the style, grace and fast and
furious qualities the Porsche name stands for. Check out this video expressing
the vehicle's new tagline, here:

The video is a product of the brand's
"Thrilling Contradictions" contest, in which contestants used their
film artistry to show off the beauty and strange nature of the new

If you haven't yet explored the new Panamera, drop
by Bay Auto Zone in Toronto, ON for a look at the pre-owned
Porsche models we have in stock, including this stylish sedan.

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